Monday, October 26, 2009

Multi-generational Family Gathering

Multi-generational portraits are a very rare and special session to be a part of.
By gathering the family together for this event, we are recording a portion of our family tree.

Years ago it was not uncommon for family of multiple generations to get together and form close bonds.
Sundays for some meant a family drive in the country or a home cooked meal.

Quite often these families gathered once a week for Sunday dinners, with the grandparents, parents and grandchildren running about.

A roasted chicken, a traditional Italian feast, or a family breakfast after church services was expected and often looked forward to at the end of the week.

I was fortunate to be a part of a recent multigenerational gathering on a recent beautiful Fall morning.

Mother Nature not only provided an abundance of sunshine, brilliant blue skies, but we were part of her annual transformations of seasons – illuminating the changing bushes and trees into a vibrant display of yellows and oranges.

A gathering of this type is becoming rarer and rarer.
Family units move, not only across towns, but states and even countries! Life gets busy. Work gets stressful, and social activities become more of a priority.

Getting together with the family is soon forgotten.

Yes, it was an honor to be a part of this family’s afternoon.
To be surrounded by people that understand and appreciate the importance of family and the relationships that are formed.

Honor thy family. It is a forgotten gift!

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