Saturday, April 11, 2009

Acceptance / Prejudice

I'd like to share a piece I created for an upcoming international juried traveling exhibition made possible through the Printmaking Council of New Jersey.

The theme of the show asks the question "What Does It Mean to be Human?"

As the American half of an international print exhibition exchange with artists from Johannesburg, South Africa, this piece will travel to South Africa for 6 months, from October, 2009 through March, 2010.

My representation in the show is a photomontage titled "Acceptance / Prejudice". Photomontage is a single pictorial composition made by superimposing two or more images or graphic elements.

Each image was created separately to create the look of a graffiti wall.

All images were taken in various parts of the world that represent religious symbols. The state of Israel is made up of a majority of Jewish citizens represented by the Star of David
as well as the Arabic writing found in Jaffa - a city in Israel with Arab influence.

The cemetery statue of an angel was captured in Italy, with it's strong Catholic influences. The Christian cross - in France.

Each of these symbols represent our human need and long history to worship, pray and be followers of religious beliefs. Religion can be defined as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of a superhuman force, usually involving devotional and ritual observances.

It is a conscious relation between Man and God, and the expression of that relation in our human conduct.

However, this conduct separates us more than bringing us together. Religion has caused bitter conflict since the beginning of our human existence! And will most likely continue until the end of our existence.

Why is that? It is what makes us human.


roentare said...

This is such a punchy and powerful post. Love all the images to compliment well with your text

Susan Kozlowski said...

Thanks for visiting - I always appreciate your comments.


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