Thursday, November 27, 2008


On a personal note, unlike most people, my thanksgiving traditions do not include Turkey and Football. I haven't followed football in over 10 years (I did at one time), and this will be my first year as a vegetarian.

But one tradition I do follow on this morning is getting up early to drive down to the barn where I keep my horse to watch the annual Thanksgiving Day Hunt. It's a lot of pomp and circumstance, a lot of showing off, and not much action. But it has become a tradition none the less.

Hunt members put on their finest and gather with friends, family, and many strangers on Thanksgiving morning, to play a role in the
controversial - but classic sport of fox hunting.

In America, fox hunting is also called fox chasing, as the purpose is not to actually kill the animal but to enjoy the thrill of the chase!

Prior to watching the hunt leave, I enjoyed a very beautiful, amazing trail ride on my dear horse and a couple barn mate companions. We couldn't stop talking about how thankful we each were, especially on a morning like today with our faithful steeds leading the way!

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