Included in this show will be two pieces of mine, Golden Accent and Autumn.
Golden Accent is a self portrait of a project I was working on that incorporated using a Black and White image with just an accent of color. Setting the scene up myself (without a remote shutter release) each shot was quite time consuming. I had to pre-focus the camera onto the spot I will be placed. All the exposure settings also have to be set while I am behind the camera and not in front of it. A bit tricky, indeed. After I feel the settings are correct, I program the camera to the self-timer setting. Press the shutter, then scurry into my position before the shutter is released. Viola!
The image is in color, but converted to Black and White after in the computer. The hue of the "golden accent" is brought back into the image during the post production.
Autumn is a very dear friend of mine. She helped me many times - posing for me when I needed someone to fill in as a model. Surprisingly comfortable in front of the camera and a face the camera loves.
In this image, I wanted to study the gentle curves the face forms when a person smiles. the original title of the piece was "Gentle Curves", but in honor of my friend, it has been changed to Autumn for the show.
The Faces and Figures Exhibit will run from February 28, 2009 - April 4, 2009.
The Arts & Heritage Gallery
137 Sprint Street, Newton, NJ